Japanese Soda Candies
7 Japanese Chewy Candies
August 28th | Candy that teaches you katakana 👸
August 14th | The Red Ball Edition
July 28th | Fleshy Mini-Melons
July 14th | Crackers in a Half Shell
June 28th | Sunday, Monday, Happy Turns
June 14th | Cool Off With Summer Candy
May 28th | Tetris gummies and matcha brownies
May 14th 2019 | Fortune-telling lazy egg with seaweed flakes
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Our cost of living in Japan in USD (2019)
Apr 28th 2019 | Rolling towards a looong summer
What is ramune?
Apr 14th 2019 | Train gummies, milk cakes, melon pan, and traditional dango
Morinaga crowdfunds new throat candy that can last for up to 40 minutes
What are the most popular candies in Japan?
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How to say "hot chocolate" in Japanese
Famous Japanese chocolate brands
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