Life in Japan blog — Posts about what it's like to live in Japan.
Wow! — Random cool stuff about Japan.
Candy news — Candy-related news translated from Japanese to English.
Past boxes — List of past candy boxes.
Subscription commerce — Interesting mostly to other subscription box founders.
Behind the scenes — Business & numbers blog.

7 Japanese Chewy Candies

Japanese chewy candies with concepts varying from little bits you eat with a toothpick to ones that give you energy or even have you compile a little fruit shop diorama.

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Our cost of living in Japan in USD (2019)

Breakdown of all of our living costs in Japan. Many helpful hints if you are considering living in Japan. Sums up rent, phone bill, internet, home costs, health insurance, food, car, childcare and more on a USD/month basis. Updated 2019.

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